Welcome to our CONNECTED online support group, hosted by our team of trained CRADLE facilitators.

The online sessions provide a safe and inclusive space and give the opportunity to be surrounded by people who really understand. Each session is confidential, encouraging mutual peer support and designed entirely around what the attendees need that week.

There are no expectations for you to share your pregnancy loss journey, you don’t even need to switch your camera on, just do whatever feels right to you.

Each one is run by our trained CRADLE facilitators who have all experienced early pregnancy loss themselves and know how much peer support and sharing can help.

Partners, Surrogates and Intended Parents are welcome, just book a ticket per person when going through the booking process.

You can join every week, just the once or as and when suits you. You will be sent a link to Zoom when you book.

We understand that being surrounded by people who have experienced pregnancy loss allows you to talk freely without fear, knowing that you will be emotionally safe and will receive the support from others who have similar experiences to you.

This group will be a space without judgement. 

For general enquiries email