CRADLE COMMUNITY FORUM- Cradle community is our discussion forum, nestled in out website, away from social media platforms, you can find support, friendship and understanding from others who have been through something similar. It is a place you can come to 24/7 to talk to others, express feelings or lend an ear to the Community. 


1. Click on the yellow bar below or click here to go to the COMMUNITY Homepage
2. Click on the button in the right hand corner of the homepage that says ‘Sign up’
3. Fill in the form with your details, (remembering to create a profile name that allows a level of anonymity for yourself for safeguarding reasons)
4. Read through our Community rules and agree to them 
5. Press CREATE ACCOUNT to submit your application to join. 

Once you have completed the above steps, your account will be reviewed by an Admin, which can take up to 48 hours. Please note that CRADLE is not an emergency helpline/service and if you are experiencing an emergency, please follow guidance within our Emergency Assistance section below.

Once you are a member, you can browse the topics, start threads within them or reply to existing ones. Whatever feels right for you at the time. Please be mindful that everything posted on the Community, will be available in the public domain.


At CRADLE we pride ourselves on being open, honest, and willing to explore and discuss any topic, but we also want this to be a safe space. We ask everyone to be kind, use kind words and understand the importance of the Community rules you agree to in the sign-up process. We will support every journey of pregnancy loss, and every member of every community affected by pregnancy loss. We understand that social media plays an important role in awareness creation but also that it can sometimes become detrimental to your wellbeing and mental health, so please take a break if you feel this is affecting you.


CRADLE is serious about our commitment to supporting everyone who has been affected by a pregnancy journey that has not gone to plan. We want to actively encourage members of the Community to ask the questions that need to be asked. Please don’t hesitate to set up threads / conversations around topics that are particularly important to you. If it is something you would like to talk about, no doubt there will be others that feel the same way. 

Some of our current topics include:

  • PUL
  • Ectopic Pregnancy
  • Molar Pregnancy
  • Miscarriage
  • Missed Miscarriage
  • TFMR
  • Termination due to Hyperemesis Gravidarum
  • Support for Early Medical Abortion
  • Support for Early Surgical Abortion
  • Support for Surrogates and Intended Parents
  • Information for Teaching Staff of RSE
  • Going back to work
  • Discussing my loss with my family
  • Struggling with pregnancy announcements from others
  • Your Wellbeing and Self-Care


Opinions and all other information expressed by participants in discussions are those of the author and are not representative of CRADLE Charity. You are urged to seek professional advice for specific, individual situations and not rely solely on advice or opinions given in the discussions.  This Community is not monitored 24/7. All messages made available as part of this Community (including any bulletin boards and chat rooms) and any opinions, advice, statements or other information contained in any messages posted or transmitted by any third party, are the responsibility of the author of that message, and not of CRADLE Charity (unless CRADLE Charity is specifically identified as the author of the message).

The fact that a particular message is posted on or transmitted using this CRADLE Charity Community platform, does not mean that CRADLE Charity has endorsed that message in any way or verified the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any message. We encourage visitors to the Community to report any objectionable message to

We do not pre-moderate our posts and rely on Community members to let us know when our rules have been broken. Thank you for helping us to build a positive, supportive, and inclusive space.


Please note we do not give medical advice, if you are feeling unwell or need medical assistance call 111 straight away, or in an emergency call 999. During moderation, we may signpost you to other charities and organisations who offer professional or peer support.

If you need help right now you can call:

Samaritans on this number 116123 to speak to a volunteer today
Text SHOUT to 85258 for support on text, for those who prefer not to talk on the phone.


If you would like to speak to us before joining, then don’t hesitate to email us at You can also email us if you would like to help us promote and raise awareness of the Community or would like to become a sponsor.